Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mockingjay by Suzanne Colins

“First book I finished in 2012, I finished it on 1/1/12. It's the last book in the Hunger Games Trilogy. A great read, but it the trilogy needs to be read in order, or it will be confusing. It's about an alternate America and about overthrowing a wasteful and ineffective government.”

That was my Facebook review – I think I can do better than that. Mockingjay is the last book in a trilogy, so in order to review it; I will essentially be reviewing the whole trilogy.

This trilogy is about a very oppressive and controlling government that makes children from all the districts that make up the country of Panem fight against each other in the Hunger Games once a year. Two tributes are chosen from each district, one male and one female. 

The heroine, Katniss Everdeen, doesn’t fight to overthrow the government, she fights to stay alive and keep the people she loves alive, but her actions are interpreted by many as anti-government sentiments. This starts a downward spiral of events and Katniss is stuck in the middle of the government she hates and a new start up government that’s just as controlling and oppressive as the government it’s trying to replace. 

With the Occupy movement and the Arab Spring, t
his trilogy is relevant to what is happening in the world today. People are upset and feel oppressed that governments have led us to this economic downfall. 

The series is about children warring with each other, it can be gruesome and graphic, but I feel it has a lot to teach us about the effects war has on children as well as what can happen when you give a government too much power. You can make the trilogy as political or non-political as you want, but in the end it’s a good read. 

If you are looking for something relatively quick, this is it. Each book is approximately 300 pages, but it’s not a difficult read, the language is easy and the subject matter engrossing.

I found a few fan sites, if you're into that sort of thing, here and here.

Happy Reading!

Date started: 12/31/11
Date finished: 1/1/12
Stars: 4
Next Up: A Feast of Crows by George R.R. Martin

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